One of the last things on my hit list was to verify the fluid level in the parking brake assembly. Hidden just above the cable is a 13mm plug. To check the level, remove the plug, the level should be even with the plug.
When I removed the plug, a small amount seeped out, so I knew the level was OK. (have rags and a small pane ready.) HOWEVER, instead of the color being a nice Automatic Transmission Fluid red, it was a brownish color. So I decided to replace the fluid.

Ford calls for MERCON LV fluid to be used in the brake assembly/. I use Valvoline Synthetic ATF, its compatible with Mercon LV)
There is no drain plug, so the only way to get the fluid out is a small pump. I bought a small hand pump from Harbor Freight to use to pump fluid into my leveler jacks. This pump came with various hoses and adapters and would do nicely.
I attached a small hose to the pump and fed a couple inches of the small hose into the level check hole. There isn’t a lot of fluid in the assembly, I’d guess about 4-6 ounces.
I pumped out as much as I could (see pan photo), then refilled the assembly with fresh fluid. I then pumped this out and refilled it again. I now have nice fresh, clean fluid in the parking brake assembly. The little orange hand pump is from Harbor Freight, $7

Thank you sir! Great pictures, oh I love your paint job looks beautiful. Great looking coach.
Where did you get your paint job done?
Navarro’s in Mexico