On our recent “Shake Down Cruise”, we had the opportunity to run the windshield wipers. The drivers wiper would sweep past the center and onto the passenger windshield, then when it went the other way, it would go past the edge of the windshield and the wiper would hit the bottom of the windshield frame.
At one of our stops I checked the bolts and nuts of the drivers wiper, they were tight, but the wiper and the center shaft were loose and wiggled around. I didn’t spend a lot of time with it, but it was obvious something was broke. Thankfully I didn’t need to use the wipers a lot.
At home, I started the process of tearing the wiper apart to see if Ii could find out what was wrong.
I removed the nut that holds the wiper arm onto the shaft, then remove the wiper arm assembly.
Remove the large nut that holds the bushing / shaft to the front piece.
I removed the center bolt that holds the bushing / shaft and cover assembly to the front of the vehicle. When I did this, I heard something fall and hit the ground. It was the broken mount piece. I just discovered the problem.
I pushed the shaft through the hole and out the back.
There is a small clip that holds the shaft into the outer bushing assembly. Remove this clip and the bushing and mount slides off of the shaft.
I welded the two broken pieces together from both sides. I then ground down the front surface so it was flat and the weld bead wouldn’t interfere with the mounting.
Reassembled and tested. The wiper now has the correct arc.
If worst comes to worst, I found this Denso catalog (CLICK HERE) that shows wiper assembly parts breakdown for Fleetwood and several other motorhomes.

I have a 1999 Southwind 36z. We were almost home from a weekend trip, when both wiper blades moved about 1″ and stopped. I asked my wife if she saw that, and she did. Got home, parked the motorhome, did the usual, then started the RV back up and turned on the wipers on. To my surprise, the wipers worked normal, but now came to rest right in the middle of the wind shield… When I turned them back on, they go to the outside, then together in the center, and again come to rest straight up and down in the center of the windshield, right in our line of sight. I checked for anything loose but all seems tight. Looking for solutions….
Yes I have a1999 Southwind. New experience, the wiper blades do not come to rest in the middle next to the windshield split. They now come to rest in the middle of the windshield. They work but will come to rest in the middle of the windshield. Your thoughts pease.
Dave, 920-450-1985
Sounds like the coupling slipped on the shaft. Look at the shaft on the wiper motor where the short arm that does the swinging back and forth is connected.
Loosen that nut that holds the arm on that tapered shaft, the arm should now move freely and you can position the wipers in the center. Retighten the nut.
Thanks for replying, have another question, I took the wiper motor out and noticed an adjustment screw on the end of the motor, any idea what that ajusts?
Not sure what that is..
Ya I’m not sure either, I’m going to bring it to a shop tomorrow. Only markings on it is the #570 and made in Japan.